The Vegueros Mañanitas Cigar is a true Cuban delight, renowned for its distinctive shape and rich, complex flavours. Handcrafted in the heart of Cuba, this cigar embodies the spirit of the island’s rich tobacco-growing tradition. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, the Vegueros Mañanitas offers a smoking experience that is both satisfying and memorable.
Unique Tapered Shape
One of the standout features of the Vegueros Mañanitas Cigar is its unique tapered shape, known as “Mañanitas.” This torpedo-like design is not just for aesthetics; it serves a functional purpose by concentrating the flavours and aromas as you smoke, delivering a more intense and focused experience. This makes the Vegueros Mañanitas an excellent choice for those who appreciate a cigar that evolves with each puff.
Flavour Profile
The Vegueros Mañanitas Cigar offers a medium to full-bodied smoke, making it versatile enough for various occasions. From the first draw, you’ll be greeted with earthy and woody notes, complemented by a subtle peppery spice that lingers on the palate. As the cigar progresses, hints of leather and coffee emerge, adding depth and complexity to the overall flavour profile.
Tasting Notes
- Body: Medium to Full
- Flavours: Earthy, Woody, Peppery, Leather, Coffee
- Aroma: Rich and Inviting
- Draw: Smooth with a Perfect Burn
The Vegueros Mañanitas Cigar has garnered praise from cigar aficionados and critics alike. While it may not have a long list of awards, its consistent quality and unique flavour profile have earned it a loyal following. Esteemed cigar publications have highlighted the Vegueros Mañanitas for its craftsmanship and rich Cuban heritage, often recommending it as a must-try for those exploring Cuban cigars.
Product History and Little-Known Facts
The Vegueros brand was established in 1997, inspired by the hardworking tobacco farmers of the Pinar del Río region in Cuba. The name “Vegueros” itself pays homage to these farmers, who have been growing the world’s finest tobacco for centuries. The Mañanitas cigar is a nod to traditional Cuban shapes, with a modern twist that appeals to contemporary smokers. Despite being relatively young compared to other Cuban brands, Vegueros has quickly gained a reputation for delivering quality cigars that stay true to the Cuban tradition.
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Order your Vegueros Mañanitas Cigar today and enjoy a piece of Cuban history delivered straight to your door in under 30 minutes, anywhere in Nairobi, courtesy of Oaks & Corks.
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